Saturday, February 2, 2008

Integrative Pet Care

OK, before I talk about today, I need to just say how mortified I am at the "before" pictures that got posted of me before my spiffy haircut. *Paws over eyes* I cannot believe people get to see that I looked like that. A girl needs to maintain some dignity after all.

But today was a good day. Today Daddy and Mommy drove me to meet the nice people at Integrative Pet Care. at first my brother London and I were worried that this was just another vet's office. We aren't such very big fans of the vet. There's usually a lot of poking and prodding and things and it isn't a whole lot of fun. But this was different! There were exciting things everywhere! Doggy pools and exercise rooms and all kinds of things. Mostly everyone just cooed over how cute I am (of course) and then there was lots of people talk that I didn't really follow too well. Something about my knees being a bit wobbly and me being "cow hocked" or some such silly thing. I don't know, but it means I get to come back and learn exercises and tricks that will help me walk even when I'm old! So that seems pretty exciting.

Even though I hate baths, I think I secretly want to get to run in the hot tub tread mill machine. The life jackets looked really stylish.

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