Saturday, June 7, 2008

Animal Sense training

Well, you know I don't need training, right? I mean, not really. I'm a good girl. I do have accidents in the house, and I misdirect aggression at my brother London sometimes when I am startled, but I'm really very good. Still, mom and dad couldn't pass up free Animal Sense lessons! They actually wound up being pretty fun for me, so I'm going to tell you about them.

First we met with two nice people: Jamie, who runs Animal Sense, and Amy, who was my personal trainer. London didn't bite either of them, which was nice of him. I didn't like that when I pawed at them for attention that they ignored me, but mom says I should be doing that less anyway. I barked at them until I ran out of energy and that was pretty fun.

The good thing about these new people is that they came with food. They fed me yummy things, and mom and dad got out the treats whenever they Amy came to visit. We practiced some of my new tricks. I knew sitting and down, but didn't know to look at my humans when they say "Watch me!" or to come running when I bark at the door and they say "What's that?" We also worked on "Stay", which I hate. I get excited, what can I say?

They also recommended I go to "Small Dog Play and Train" classes at Soggy Paws' North location. That was a great idea because each week I got hot dogs in exchange for tricks. I also made some doggy friends, and one of them was even my size and, um, "breed". (Sorta, mom says I am a "mutt", which she told me means I am "extra loveable")

We also learned that I'll do anything for a new fuzzy squeaky toy. I'll even jump over high poles and run through tunnels! I like the agility courses, if I'm in the mood. I'm a nimble little girl. London even jumped on top of a ramp to get a big piece of hot dog. Classes are really pretty fun, you know, even if I bark through most of the classes so the other dogs remember I'm there.

London and I both got toys at the end from our teacher, and we got certificates that mom and dad put on our fridge. Mom says they say we are "awesome canines". Well, no surprise there! Mine should be bigger than London's because he mostly hid during training time.

I'll write more later. I have to go hide somewhere safe because I think I heard thunder! Oh no!

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